Nazeer, Final BTech, Pulivendula, AP

Documents and Marklists

TMAD supported him to pay college fee, project fee and to buy books

Expenses: Rs 13,950

Donors: Gangadhar Tilak K (Rs 500), Pyda V Pavan Kumar (Rs 1,450) and TMAD Group Fund (Rs 12,000)

Volunteers: Prasanthi Uppalapati, Sivaji Challa, Gangadhar Thilak, Pavan Pyda

History of the needy: Nazeer asked support to pay college fee as his mother is unable to pay even though she paid his son's fee by taking loan but as the people who have gave loan are forcing them to pay the amount so they asked TMAD to support them to pay back the loan.He has one brother who is married and has 2 children, his earnings are sufficient for his family

Needy Details:

Name: S.Nazeer basha

Date of Birth:10-05-1992

Education Qualification: Btech 3rd Year

Marks obtained so far


Obtained Marks

Total Marks


SSC (10th)




Diploma in mechanical




Father Name: S.Khaja Peer (late)

Mother Name: S.Begum

Mother Occupation: labour

Mother Income per month: Rs 1500

Total Family Income per month: Rs 2500

Siblings details: One brother married have 2 kids where his earnings are sufficient for his family

School/College Address with Principal Name and Contact no: V.B.I.T PRODDUTUR,KADAPA

Fee structure details : Rs 9900

Life Ambition: To become a Mechanical Engineer

The reason to choose this course: Because likes Engineering