Documents and hospital letters
4-Feb-2014: As patient has been visiting American citizen hospital, Anil kumar, TMAD Volunteer, have asked the patient to visit MNJ cancer institute in Hyderabad for second opinion. The patient and their family came on Feb 4th to Hyderabad. Sundeep Savaram, TMAD volunteer, has joined the patient in the hospital in the morning and spoke to both junior and senior doctors. Doctors mentioned that the patient is in final stages of cancer and treatment option is not viable. Hence they suggested joining him in hospice. This to ensure that patient and their family is given moral strength to face the situation.
Sundeep was with patient till evening giving them all the required support and completely took care of the patient and their apprehension. Kudos to Sundeep for spending the whole day in hospital by helping the family understand the situation of the patient and providing the available options. Also, thanks to Geethika, TMAD Volunteer for her time in coordinating with Sundeep and helping him out in handling this case.
Unfortunately, TMAD couldn't do much except giving them moral support. We pray god to give the parents and the boy much needed strength to face the situation.
Volunteers: Geethika Krishna, Sundeep Savaram, Anilkumar
Details of the needy 
Name: Ram Teja
Occupation: Student
Family Details: Father, Mother and Younger Brother
Brother Occupation: School Drop out, Mechanic.
Total Family Income per year (in Rs.): 30000
Address: Mamidala Venkata Ram Teja,S/o Mamidala Yedukondalu, Parvatamma Thota, Bandar Road, Challapalli, Vijayawada, AP, India
Contact: +919866264796
Cost of Surgery: INR 8 lakh
Ram Teja is sufferring with Brain Tumour for past 3 years. He has been visiting American Oncology Citizen hospital. Hospital recommended operation and estimated the cost to INR 8lakh.
Ram Teja case was referred by Swathi Jasti whom we supported financially for her B.Tech 4th year fees.