School Details
Govt. Primary School, Ambedkar Nagar, Reti Bowli, Mehdipatnam, Hyd - 28.
The school was established in 1998 under Balajyothi Project.
In 2002, govt. adopted it and posted govt. teachers.
The Head Master, Mr. Naresh, joined the school then.
Govt. outsourced the Afternoon Meal Scheme to Naandi.
Classes: 1 to 5
Headmaster : P. Naresh, 94412-53354
Year | Strength of Students |
2002 | 30 |
2003 | 80 |
2005 | 100 |
2007 | 120 |
- Suvarna, a teacher from Naandi. She completed Intermediate in C.E.C. stream. She gets 900 rs. per month.
- Rajitha, Vidya Volunteer and also a Naandi member. She completed Intermediate in M.P.C. stream. She gets 900 rs. as Naandi member and 1000 rs. as Vidya Volunteer.
Strength of children in each class
Class | Girls | Boys | Total |
1st Class | - | - | - |
2nd Class | 17 | 15 | 32 |
3rd Class | 12 | 18 | 30 |
4th Class | 18 | 7 | 25 |
5th Class | 10 | 5 | 15 |
- As govt. provides free text books, they need only note books.
- Uniform and general dresses are required.
For 1st class students, 2 notebooks are required. One double ruled and one check ruled. 35 students are there in 1st Class.
For classes 2 to 5, 5 notebooks are required. 2 single ruled, one maths, one one side (for science) and one double ruled (for English).
Our Support
- We distributed slippers to the students.
- Our volunteers wish to take classes, teach the students different stories and play with them.
- We are providing note books.
Headmaster Mr. Naresh has given us a list of notebooks. We have a set of notebooks left with us from the ones that we bought for Anikepalli School Children last year.
These are the books that are left with us
- One side ruled (Science) - 6
- Check rules - 6
- Double ruled - 2
- Full white (Maths) - 24
- Broad single ruled - 30
- Single ruled - 101
This is the list given to us
- One side ruled (Science) - 21
- Check ruled - 51
- Double ruled - 75
- Full white (Maths) - 22
- Single ruled - 13
We had to buy the following ones
- One side ruled (Science) - 15
- Check ruled - 45
- Double Ruled - 73
Ratanji referred us a book shop, Lepakshi Books and Stationery, 28/A, VengalaRao Nagar, Hyderabad - 38. Ph: 91-040-23818433. Last year and this year also we bought books from them.
On July 6th, Jairam and Prasanthi visited the shop. We got the books (133) for Rs. 1060 (actually it is Rs. 1064 @ Rs. 8 per book. They sell a book for Rs. 10. They gave us a concession of Rs. 2 on each book.)
New requirement for some more books
- Single Ruled - 56
- Four Ruled - 27
- Double Ruled - 53
- One Side Ruled - 7
- Plain - 47
- Maths Outline - 10
- Check Ruled - 17
On July 14th, Jairam bought the next set of books for Rs. 1736. Jairam and Karthik gave the notebooks the same day in the school.
Total amount we have spent for note books is Rs. 2796 (1060 + 1736)
Main Source of Contact: Karthik -
Team Members: Vani, Srinivas, Jairam and Murali
Optional Member: Prasanthi