A total of 238 Idols of 10 and 17 inches were sold this year.
1. ECO Friendly Ganesha Stall in Oota from your Thota Campaign:
"Oota from your Thota" team contacted us after seeing our website. So, we set up a stall with 50 idols @ BTM Layout on 28th August, Sunday. Idols of 17 Inch were sold at 130Rs and 10 Inch at Rs70. This is half the price of market value. So, all were sold very quickly.
Article published in Citizen Matters Magazine
Photos of this Event
Volunteers: Anil kumar. B.V.N, Pullarao MBV, Sukumar Pyda and Kamalnath.N
2. ECO Friendly Ganesha Stall with Moksha Gundam ECO Club @ SIR M.Visvesvaraya PU College:
Kamalnath N spoke to Visveswariah College principal and got an order for 17 Idols. All were delivered on 29th August, 2011 by kamalnath N after working with vendor.
Photos of this Event
Confirmation Letter from M Visvesvaraya Pre-University College
Volunteer: kamalnath.N
3. ECO Friendly Ganesha Stall @ Rain Drops Apartment:
During the "Oota from your Thota" stall, we got an order from Rain Drops apartment near Sarjapura Signal. Anilkumar delivered 17 idols of 10inch and 3 idols of 17 inch for price of Rs 70 and Rs 120 each respectively on 30th August, 2011.
Confirmation Letter from Ranidrops Residents Association
Volunteers: Anil kumar.B.V.N and kamalnath.N
4. ECO Friendly Ganesha Stall @ BEML layout:
Pullarao M got permission from BEML layout where we have put a stall last year. This year, we worked with vendor and asked him to put a stall. Sharada madam and their team worked with various association folks in that area and spread the word so that vendor also gets benefited. This will help us to approach him next year to keep a stall.
A total of 150 idols (Approx) were on 31st August and 1st September. Anilkumar worked with the vendor and Sagar, Kamalnath N and Anilkumar have been at the stall along with the vendor. Kamalnath N was at the stall the whole day accompanying the vendor and sold the idols. Idols at the cost of Rs 110, Rs 100, Rs 60, Rs 40, Rs 30 were sold. The prices when compared to the nearby vendors were discounted by 60%. 150 Idols were sold in 1 1/2 day session at the stall.
Photos of this Event
Letter of Appreciation from BEML Residents welfare forum "Spadana"
Volunteers: Anil kumar. B.V.N, Pullar Rao, Sagar, kamalnath.N
5. ECO Friendly Ganesha @ Tungabhadra Block National Games Village With Zero Waste Mangamenet Project:
Meera contacted kamal for the 17 Inch Eco Friendly ganesha to put at Tungabhadra Block National Games Village.
Photos of this Event
Volunteer: kamalnath.N